Quantum Espresso SCF calculation via API¶
Complete Authorization Form and Initialize Settings¶
This will also determine environment and set all environment variables. We determine if we are using Jupyter Notebooks or Google Colab to run this tutorial.
If you are running this notebook from Google Colab, Colab takes ~1 min to execute the following cell.
ACCOUNT_ID and AUTH_TOKEN - Authentication parameters needed for when making requests to Mat3ra.com's API Endpoints.
MATERIALS_PROJECT_API_KEY - Authentication parameter needed for when making requests to Material Project's API
ORGANIZATION_ID - Authentication parameter needed for when working with collaborative accounts https://docs.mat3ra.com/collaboration/organizations/overview/
NOTE: If you are running this notebook from Jupyter, the variables ACCOUNT_ID, AUTH_TOKEN, MATERIALS_PROJECT_API_KEY, and ORGANIZATION_ID should be set in the file settings.json if you need to use these variables. To obtain API token parameters, please see the following link to the documentation explaining how to get them: https://docs.mat3ra.com/accounts/ui/preferences/api/
# @title Authorization Form
ACCOUNT_ID = "ACCOUNT_ID" # @param {type:"string"}
AUTH_TOKEN = "AUTH_TOKEN" # @param {type:"string"}
ORGANIZATION_ID = "ORGANIZATION_ID" # @param {type:"string"}
import os
if "COLAB_JUPYTER_IP" in os.environ:
!GIT_BRANCH="dev"; export GIT_BRANCH; curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Exabyte-io/api-examples/${GIT_BRANCH}/scripts/env.sh" | bash
from utils.settings import ENDPOINT_ARGS, ACCOUNT_ID
from utils.generic import wait_for_jobs_to_finish
from exabyte_api_client.endpoints.workflows import WorkflowEndpoints
from exabyte_api_client.endpoints.materials import MaterialEndpoints
from exabyte_api_client.endpoints.jobs import JobEndpoints
# Initialize a helper class to interact with WorkflowEndpoints
workflow_endpoints = WorkflowEndpoints(*ENDPOINT_ARGS)
material_endpoints = MaterialEndpoints(*ENDPOINT_ARGS)
job_endpoints = JobEndpoints(*ENDPOINT_ARGS)
Create a Quantum Espresso workflow for SCF calculation¶
Below we provide our Quantum Espresso input file via a bash script.
Note that we provide the pseudo potential file via a downloadable url. We are working on supporting direct uploading of pseudo potential file from local file system, but it is currently not available. Below are some of the sources to find pseudo potentials:
# user modifiable part
script = r"""#!/bin/bash
# switch to the job working directory
# ----------------------- QUANTUM ESPRESSO INPUT FILE ------------------------ #
cat > pw.in << EOF
calculation = 'scf',
prefix = 'silicon',
outdir = './tmp/'
pseudo_dir = './'
ibrav = 2,
celldm(1) = 10.26,
nat = 2,
ntyp = 1,
ecutwfc = 30
nbnd = 8
conv_thr = 1e-8,
mixing_beta = 0.6
Si 28.086 Si.pz-vbc.UPF
Si 0.0 0.0 0.0
Si 0.25 0.25 0.25
K_POINTS (automatic)
7 7 7 0 0 0
# -------------------------- PSEUDO POTENTIAL FILE --------------------------- #
# provide a downloadable link for the pseudo potential file
wget https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/exabyte-io/api-examples/dev/examples/assets/Si.pz-vbc.UPF
# --------------------------------- RUN JOB ---------------------------------- #
# load required module
module add espresso/63-i-174-impi-044
mpirun -np $PBS_NP pw.x -in pw.in | tee pw.out
# populate workflow from a template
import json
with open("../assets/bash_workflow_template.json", "r") as f:
WORKFLOW_BODY = json.load(f)
WORKFLOW_BODY["subworkflows"][0]["units"][0]["input"][0]["content"] = script
# create workflow
WORKFLOW_RESP = workflow_endpoints.create(WORKFLOW_BODY)
# job creation payload
"name": "SCF Calculation",
"compute": {"ppn": 4, "nodes": 1, "queue": "OR"},
"_project": {"slug": "pranab-default"},
"workflow": WORKFLOW_RESP["_id"],
# create job
JOB_RESP = job_endpoints.create(JOB_BODY)
# TODO: NOT SUPPORTED YET, upload pseudo potential file
# with open('../assets/Si.pz-vbc.UPF', 'r') as f:
# PP_FILE = f.read()
# data = json.dumps({"files": PP_FILE})
# FILE_RESP=job_endpoints.insert_output_files(JOB_RESP["_id"], data)
# submit job to run
# monitor job and wait for it to be finished
wait_for_jobs_to_finish(job_endpoints, [JOB_RESP["_id"]], 30)
Wait for jobs to finish, poll interval: 30 sec +---------------------+------------------+---------------+-----------------+----------------+ | TIME | SUBMITTED-JOBS | ACTIVE-JOBS | FINISHED-JOBS | ERRORED-JOBS | +=====================+==================+===============+=================+================+ | 2023-07-28-15:24:54 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +---------------------+------------------+---------------+-----------------+----------------+ +---------------------+------------------+---------------+-----------------+----------------+ | TIME | SUBMITTED-JOBS | ACTIVE-JOBS | FINISHED-JOBS | ERRORED-JOBS | +=====================+==================+===============+=================+================+ | 2023-07-28-15:25:24 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +---------------------+------------------+---------------+-----------------+----------------+ +---------------------+------------------+---------------+-----------------+----------------+ | TIME | SUBMITTED-JOBS | ACTIVE-JOBS | FINISHED-JOBS | ERRORED-JOBS | +=====================+==================+===============+=================+================+ | 2023-07-28-15:25:55 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +---------------------+------------------+---------------+-----------------+----------------+ +---------------------+------------------+---------------+-----------------+----------------+ | TIME | SUBMITTED-JOBS | ACTIVE-JOBS | FINISHED-JOBS | ERRORED-JOBS | +=====================+==================+===============+=================+================+ | 2023-07-28-15:26:25 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +---------------------+------------------+---------------+-----------------+----------------+ +---------------------+------------------+---------------+-----------------+----------------+ | TIME | SUBMITTED-JOBS | ACTIVE-JOBS | FINISHED-JOBS | ERRORED-JOBS | +=====================+==================+===============+=================+================+ | 2023-07-28-15:26:56 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | +---------------------+------------------+---------------+-----------------+----------------+
Get output file, perform post processing, and make plots¶
files = job_endpoints.list_files(JOB_RESP["_id"])
for file in files:
if file["name"] == "pw.out":
output_file_metadata = file
import urllib
server_response = urllib.request.urlopen(output_file_metadata["signedUrl"])
output_file_bytes = server_response.read()
output_file = output_file_bytes.decode(encoding="UTF-8")
energy = []
len_energy = len("total energy")
for line in output_file.split("\n"):
if line.strip().lstrip("!")[:len_energy] == "total energy":
# plot energy with iteration step
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.xlabel("Number of iteration")
plt.ylabel("Energy (Ry)")